
今天是VinMusic资深闷骚作者 mossytongue 同学订婚的日子,我代表VinMusic各位成员祝你开心幸福,小伙子加油吧,哈哈。


A Cursive Memory – Perfect Company:

I’ve been to just about a million places,
Sunny skies everywhere and in between,
But just to know I’m right here with you,
It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

Oh my God you’re such a beautiful girl,
With such a wonderful way in such a beautiful place,
The sun is shining and it warms my face,
What a wonderful day I just hope it can stay.

I just want to tell you I love you (I love you), and
everything is gonna be okay someday soon.

I’ve been to just about a million places,
With placid seas and perfect scenery,
But just to know you’re right here with me,
Well you make the perfect company.

Oh my God its true,
If time stood still I’d wait with you,
If time stood still and still it stood I’d be with

I just want to tell you I love you (I love you), and
everything is gonna be okay someday soon.

Lovely love, we’re almost in it.
We’ll laugh and love in this world.

I just want to tell you I love you (I love you), and
everything is gonna be okay someday soon.

34 评论

  1. 恭喜恭喜,祝贤伉俪白头偕老举案齐眉 😳 😛 😮 :mrgreen: 😆 😀 😉 🙂

  2. :mrgreen: 舌头抓紧生个大胖小子~ 人家村姐等着盼着要当干妈呢

  3. 来祝贺:)嗯^____^♬♪♬♪音乐好听风格节奏抒情啊

  4. 😈 你也有今天啊 ~~~


    诅咒你生对双胞胎 😡

  5. 早生贵子都老套了~


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